In botany, a berry is a indehiscent fruit that develops from a single ovary, in which the entire pericarp (pericarp) is still juicy or consists of fruit flesh even at maturity.
According to the name, popular fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants and cranberries are considered soft fruits. Real ‘real berries’ are, for example, blueberries, cranberries or gooseberries.
But are they really, from a purely scientific and botanical point of view? If you take a closer look at the matter, you will see that there are differences. Often the term berry is not used correctly in colloquial language.
We will get to the bottom of this and also clarify what to look out for when buying berries.
We will also explain why berries are good for health in general and for memory and heart in particular – yes, berries are the local superfood par excellence.
And as an added bonus, you can look forward to tips on how to properly store and process these little fruits.
When properly frozen, berries can last forever, so you don't have to go without them in winter. Porridge, muesli or granola with berries and oats simply tastes fantastic.
The most important facts in brief:
- Soft fruit is mostly made up of water and is therefore low in calories.
- Berries are true vitamin bombs and immune system boosters thanks to the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they contain.
- The flavonoids (phytochemicals) give the fruits their red, blue, yellow or purple colour. They are a natural colouring agent.
- In addition, the phytochemicals contained in berries, known as anthocyanins, can repair damaged body cells, have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect and help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Which berries are the healthiest?
Why are berries so healthy?
Berries contain water-soluble plant compounds that have an antioxidant effect. They use these to repair damaged body cells and protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.
The darker the berries, the more phytochemicals they contain. The phytochemical that gives the small fruits their rich colour has a general anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system. The darker a berry, the healthier it is.
Just one bowl of berries a week strengthens the immune system and can improve memory.
Berries are also good for your eyes and teeth. They are rich in vitamins, fibre and minerals, and low in calories.
Whether you use berries as a topping for porridge or add them to your muesli, you are eating twice as healthily. Oats are good for your heart and circulation.
And berries combine a whole range of health-promoting properties. Depending on the variety, they are rich in vitamins C, A and E, calcium, potassium, folic acid, iron, beta-carotene and magnesium. Consumed regularly, our health can greatly benefit from these little nutrient bombs.
They taste good and can be combined as you please. Sounds irresistible, doesn't it?
What types of berries are there?
According to botany, only fruits that have emerged from a single ovary count as berries. They are grouped together under the scientific name achene.
Achenes are characterised by a complete pericarp – even during ripening. That's the complicated explanation.
To put it more simply, ‘real’ berries can often be recognised by their appearance: they are round, brightly coloured and usually have more than one seed.
The following are examples of indehiscent fruits:
- red currants, white currants, black currants,
- cranberries
- blueberries ( bilberries)
- grapes (the good old grape)
- gooseberry
- sea buckthorn
Interesting fact: cucumbers, dates, aubergines, peppers, melons, kiwis, pumpkins, avocados, tomatoes, stone fruits (peaches and apricots) and even bananas are also a type of achene fruit.
In addition, citrus fruits (lemons, oranges) are also considered a type of berry fruit as a special form of berries.
Aggregate fruits
Raspberries and blackberries are considered aggregate fruits.
According to science, these are fruits that are formed by the fusion of individual fruits. These individual fruits all come from a single flower.
Incidentally, strawberries actually belong to the so-called aggregate fruits, but due to the many similarities, they are often counted among the berries.
Whether they are dehiscent or aggregate berries, they all taste good and are healthy. You can prepare berries in many different ways. They can be made into jams and taste great in your daily muesli.
You can use berries as a topping for porridge and yoghurt and enjoy a healthy breakfast.
Of course, berries are not only tasty in the morning. They also make a great snack or nutritious dessert in the afternoon.
Berries for breakfast – check out the Verival products!
Healthy berries – ingredients and special effects
We have already established that berries are healthy. But what exactly makes berries so valuable for our well-being?
Berries are rich in vitamins, fibre and minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium. They also contain phytochemicals, which fulfil special functions in the body. In addition, some berries have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Incidentally, many berries are mostly water. This means they are low in calories and just right if you want to watch your figure and eat a healthy diet.
Some berries have a pleasantly sour taste and are therefore particularly suitable for mixing with sweet berries.
Which berries are the healthiest?
Exotic berries in particular are considered to be real powerhouses when it comes to health and well-being. Foremost among them are acai berries from Brazil, goji berries from China and cranberries from North America. These superfruits are now also available in Europe.
But local aggregate fruits, i.e. berries, also have healthy aspects. And they not only taste good when freshly picked, but can also be frozen. If you take into account the harvesting season of local berries, you can enjoy them directly from the region.
Discover the berry Crunchys from Verival!
The following delicious berries are particularly nutritious and healthy
- Blueberries: also known as bilberries. These tasty berries get their dark blue colour from the pigment myrtillin. This neutralises free radicals and helps to prevent cancer and heart disease.
- What's more, eating them is said to have a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. It's a good thing that we find plenty of blueberries full of vitamin in the Tyrolean mountains and can add them to our muesli mixes!
- Strawberries: Although they are 92 per cent water, strawberries – which some people call the queen of summer fruits – are aromatic, vitamin-rich and wonderfully juicy. Strawberries have an above-average vitamin C content. They are also rich in antioxidants, which are said to help prevent cancer and improve memory.
- And thanks to their high water content, strawberries are real slimming aids. The more sun they get, the more aromatic and fruity they become. So you should be patient and not harvest them too early.
- Raspberries: These slightly prickly red berries are not stingy with healthy ingredients despite their compact size. Raspberries contain numerous minerals and trace elements as well as antioxidants.
- They are full of vitamin B, which is important for our metabolism. Raspberries are also good for our bones, teeth, heart and circulation. With a water content of 86 per cent, they are almost on a par with strawberries when it comes to keeping you slim.
- Incidentally, raspberries are one of the oldest cultivated plants in our part of the world. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) was well aware of their effect. And as is well known, this lady knew what was healthy.
- Blackberries: These hedge fruits are particularly rich in vitamins and contain twice as much vitamin E as other berries.
- Blackberries are also rich in vitamin C and provitamin A, as well as magnesium, calcium and potassium. These dark berries also detoxify the body and lower blood pressure.
- Mulberries: These are very valuable berries that we would like to draw more attention to here. Find out more about mulberries in the next section.
The mulberry – a superfood with a long history
The mulberry tree belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae) and originally comes from Asia .
Interesting facts about the mulberry tree (Morus)
The best-known types of mulberry in our region are the black mulberry (Morus Nigra) and the white mulberry (Morus Alba). Both come from Asia. The red mulberry (Morus Rubra), on the other hand, comes from North America.
Mulberry fruits are not only edible, they also contain a variety of health-promoting ingredients – more on this later. Mulberry trees can grow metres high under favourable soil conditions (white ones reach between 5 and 8 metres, black ones can reach up to 10 metres in height). White mulberries can also be grown as a shrub. Mulberry trees are among the oldest cultivated plants in the world. Not only the Greeks but also the Romans appreciated the fruits. The mulberry tree is already mentioned in the Bible.
The bark of the tree or shrub is grey-brown and, as is typical for all mulberry plants, white milky sap comes out when the wood is injured. The leaf shape ranges from ovate to cordate, and quite different forms can occur on one and the same tree.
The sweet fruits of the mulberry tree resemble blackberries somewhat. However, they are more elongated and vary in size depending on the variety. Black mulberries grow up to 2.5 cm long, white mulberries even up to 4 cm. The fruits develop from the female flowers. In the case of the white mulberry, this happens as early as the end of June, but not until a little later in the summer for the black mulberry.
Worth knowing: The leaves of the white mulberry are the main food for the silkworms used in the production of high-quality silk. In Chinese medicine, mulberry leaves are highly valued in general. Mulberry trees can live for several hundred years.
These fruit trees are often seen in southern Europe and are also increasingly common in our local gardens. While the white and red mulberry trees are winter-hardy, black mulberries require increased winter protection. Gardeners recommend always ensuring adequate watering when planting in the open air or in a tub and covering the bottom of the planting hole with compost. When cultivating in tubs, you should definitely choose dwarf mulberries that stay small, growing to only about 2 metres. The small-growing hanging variety (Morus Alba ‘Pendula’), for example, is recommended here. It can take up to 7 years before a mulberry tree actually bears fruit.
But now a little more about the edible fruits, which taste similar to blackberries, but are only slightly sweet and generally less intense.
Mulberries contain a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B6, D2 and also vitamin C and E. They provide us with large amounts of minerals and trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc, fluorine and phosphorus. Furthermore, they are rich in amino acids.
The berries can be eaten raw and are of course also available as dried mulberries. In both forms, they are a delicious superfood that can be enjoyed on their own or added to your muesli or porridge to perfectly round it off.
In addition to blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and mulberries, there are of course many other types of berries that are ideal for a healthy diet.
However, there are some berries that should not be eaten.
These include:
- Bittersweet nightshade
- Black belladonna
- Four-leafed herb
- European yew
- Red hedge cherry
- Elderberry or elderberries (red elderberry must not be eaten raw)
- Woolly snowball
- Common snowberry
Strengthen your heart and memory with berries
Just one bowl of fruit a week strengthens your heart and memory, but also your immune system, eyes and teeth. A study by the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that eating a bowl of strawberries or blueberries a week reduces the risk of heart attack by a third. The study attributes this positive effect to antioxidants.
Regular berry consumption can also improve memory, according to a US study of 16,000 women. It was shown that berries are full of active ingredients that stimulate parts of the brain. In fact, memory improved by up to 25 per cent.
What should I look out for when buying berries?
When buying berries, you should make sure that they are firm, dry on the outside, without dents and without mould. This is because berries are sensitive to pressure.
And thanks to their high water content, they go mouldy faster than average as soon as they are even slightly damaged. If you buy or pick large quantities of berries, you should cook them all up quickly or freeze them for later consumption.
Are frozen berries just as healthy?
What's the best way to enjoy my berries?
In our latitudes, many delicious berries grow that are rich in vitamins and still thrive in the wild in forests or at higher altitudes. You can grow fruits and berries in your garden or on your balcony. It's perfect for snacking on berries and fruits freshly picked in summer or for cooking them into jams, preserves and other delicacies.
Most berries and fruits can also be frozen. This way, you can stock up for the cold season and prepare your berries later. After all, who says you have to go without healthy and delicious berries and fruits in winter?
In the next section, you will learn what to keep in mind when storing berries. After all, you want them to last a really long time without losing any of their flavour or effect.
Delicious berry recipe
You can use a wide variety of berries and fruits for porridge with berries. For example, raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries and strawberries.
Why not try making your own berry fruit ice cream this summer?
Simply mix any berries such as raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries and strawberries in a blender. Depending on the consistency, you can add a little liquid. Then pour the mixture into an ice cream mould and put it in the freezer. The taste of this berry fruit ice cream is a hit on every summer day. It's healthy, full of vitamins and tastes great.
What is the best way to store berries?
You should bear the following in mind when storing berries and similar fruits: after cleaning them in standing water, we recommend that you immediately place the berries on kitchen paper to dry. This ensures that they are not damaged and do not absorb more liquid.
Since berries and fruit only last a few days in the fridge, you should either freeze or cook fresh berries.
How do I freeze berries properly?
Even if you want to freeze berries (raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries and strawberries), there are a few things to keep in mind. Due to their high water content, berries and fruits often become mushy quickly after thawing.
A good tip is therefore to freeze fresh aggregate fruits and indehiscent fruits in layers (on a tray or paper) outside first. Only then should you freeze the berries together in a bag.
This way, you can look forward to undamaged fruit even after thawing and prepare the berries the way you like them best. Full flavour all year round!
When should I eat berries?
Berries taste good all year round and at any time of day. However, berries and fruits taste particularly good in summer (June, July and August). Depending on the variety, the harvest time for berries and fruits can vary by a few weeks or months. While the first strawberries ripen as early as May, blackberries can be harvested from June to September and October.
And red, white or black currants are ready to be harvested from June onwards. Incidentally, this is where their name comes from: St. John's Day on 24 June is when the early varieties of red, white and black currants are ripe.
How many berries should I eat per day?
Before you start counting berries individually, we want to give you a tip: berries are healthy, but the same rule applies as for fruit in general: since they are full of fructose, they should not be consumed in excess.
You can eat any berries you like, whether raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries or strawberries. You can also mix them with other fruits.
The rule of thumb is around 300 grams per day. And these 300 grams do not quite correspond to 2.5 cups. Simply take an empty cup and fill it with berries to get a rough idea of your daily ration. Sounds easier than counting, doesn't it?
Frequently asked questions
What kinds of berries are there?
Currants: There are red, white and black currants. Cranberries: Small, tart and sour. Cranberries: Originate from North America (larger and milder in taste than cranberries). Blueberries: These tasty berries get their dark blue colour from the pigment myrtillin. This neutralises free radicals and helps to prevent cancer and heart disease. Grapes: The good old grape. Gooseberries: They are rich in vitamins and aid digestion. Sea buckthorn: the small fruits of the sea buckthorn bush taste very tart when raw and are among the most nutritious of all berries. Strawberries: thanks to their high water content, strawberries are real slimming aids. Raspberries: raspberries contain numerous minerals and trace elements as well as antioxidants. They are full of vitamin B, which is important for our metabolism. Raspberries are therefore also good for your bones, teeth, heart and circulation. Blackberries: These hedge fruits are particularly rich in vitamins and contain twice as much vitamin E as other berries. Mulberries: They taste similar to blackberries, but are only slightly sweeter and generally less intense. Mulberries contain a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B6, D2 and also vitamin C and E. They provide us with large amounts of minerals and trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc, fluorine and phosphorus. Furthermore, they are rich in amino acids. Acai berries: come from Brazil. Goji berries: come from China. All of them are true SUPERFOOD!
What is the healthiest berry?
The blackberry must be mentioned here in first place, it contains an extremely high amount of antioxidants and vitamin C. The berries of the sea buckthorn are among the most nutritious of all berries.
What are berries called?
In botany, a berry is a single-ovary fruit in which the entire pericarp is still juicy or consists of fruit flesh even when ripe. According to the name, popular fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants and cranberries are considered soft fruits. True ‘real berries’ are, for example, blueberries, cranberries or gooseberries. Strawberries, for example, are so-called aggregate fruits. Raspberries and blackberries are so-called aggregate drupes.
Is the banana a berry?
In botany, a berry is a type of fruit formed from an ovary that develops into a single fruit (also known as an achene) and whose pericarp remains fleshy or succulent as it ripens. So, yes, the banana is a berry in botanical terms. So there's something new to discover!
What happens if you eat berries every day?
The fibres contained in berries stimulate our digestion. They also contain numerous vitamins and nutrients. If you overdo it and eat too many berries, it can cause your blood sugar level to rise sharply. So here too, it is best to eat berries daily but in moderation!
What is typical of soft fruit?
Soft fruits are generally considered to be all fruits that are small, round and soft. They therefore have the characteristic properties of berries. The small ripe fruits contain a lot of fructose, so they are very sweet. However, botanically speaking, strawberries, raspberries or blackberries are not berries at all, but so-called aggregate fruits or aggregate stone fruits.
Is a cucumber a berry?
Yes. According to botany, only fruits that have emerged from a single ovary count as berries. They are summarised under the scientific name ‘ Schließfrucht’ (indehiscent fruit). Indehiscent fruits are characterised by a complete pericarp – even during ripening. Cucumbers, dates, aubergines, peppers, melons, kiwis, pumpkins, avocados, tomatoes, stone fruits (peaches and apricots) and even bananas are also examples of indehiscent fruits.
How are berries defined?
In botany, a berry is defined as an indehiscent fruit that develops from a single ovary, in which the entire pericarp remains succulent or consists of fruit flesh even as it ripens. However, the term berry is often used colloquially for soft fruit. As already mentioned, this is not entirely correct from a technical point of view.