Porridge is a trendy breakfast. Everyone knows the delicious oat-based porridge, and almost everyone knows how good it is for the body. Especially for breakfast, it has become indispensable in many households and is not only healthy but also extremely tasty. Can you enjoy porridge for lunch as well? And what is the best way to prepare porridge for lunch? We'll answer these and more questions in today's blog post.
Why Porridge is So Healthy
Originally from Scotland, porridge is arguably the healthiest breakfast ever. It provides you with complex carbohydrates that have many health benefits. This means that your blood sugar level is stabilized by the carbohydrates, and porridge saturates you sustainably.
Oatmeal is also suitable for lowering high cholesterol because it contains the fiber beta-glucan. Beta-glucan has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels. This effect occurs with a daily intake of 3 g of beta-glucan.
The fiber binds bile acid on its way through the intestine. This means that your body has to produce bile acid, and in this process, your body needs cholesterol as a building material. This allows your body to lower cholesterol in a natural and healthy way.
Porridge for Lunch – Healthy and Versatile
Porridge shines especially through its good nutrients. Oatmeal contains many healthy micronutrients and has an ideal macronutrient distribution.
- 100g of oatmeal contains 370 kilocalories
- 13g of protein
- 63g of complex carbohydrates
- 10g of fiber
- and 7g of fat.
In addition, it contains many vitamins: vitamins B2, B6, E, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, copper, potassium, and sodium. Oatmeal is truly a vitamin bomb!
Prevent Cravings with Porridge
Since the human stomach takes a relatively long time to break down the complex carbohydrate chains dissolved in the cereal flakes, they provide constant saturation.
The fiber prevents contact between gastric juice and gastric mucosa, which is why oatmeal is classified as gentle on the stomach. In addition, the oat-typical fiber beta-glucan binds cholesterol from the blood.
The consumption of 40g of cereal flakes per day is sufficient for this. Porridge based on spelt & co serves as an important source of invigorating nutrients that have been proven to promote health.
Better Digestion with Oatmeal
Oatmeal is actually considered a "versatile all-rounder" among healthy flakes. In contrast to other cereals, they score with a rich, health-promoting nutrient profile, are available relatively inexpensively on the market, and have belonged to the group of healthy home remedies for gastrointestinal complaints since the 19th century.
Oatmeal is therefore a welcome guest on every shelf in the kitchen. It often doesn't take much to conjure up the perfect porridge. Short of time, a few toppings, and a pot. This is probably one of the best lunches you can give your body. It's not just your gut that will thank you!
Can You Eat Porridge for Lunch?
If you are looking for a short and crisp answer, you will find it here: Yes! After all, why shouldn't porridge, which brings many benefits at breakfast, also be healthy and delicious at lunch?
But what makes porridge so appealing at lunch?
Benefits of Porridge for Lunch
If you're someone who doesn't particularly enjoy breakfast, porridge probably offers you the best middle ground between breakfast and lunch. If the time component is lacking, porridge is also perfect for meal prep to be eaten for lunch the next day.
In general, porridge is simply a quick and tasty lunch. With our Verival Porridges, you can reach your desired destination in minutes. So you can ensure you do something good for yourself at lunch, as porridge is one of the healthier foods.
For example, you could choose our delicious strawberry China porridge as your lunch companion. We can also provide a remedy for athletes: our delicious Sport Protein Porridge cocoa banana is the perfect companion throughout the day.
Thanks to the ingredients of porridge, oats truly become a perennial favorite – whether in the morning or at noon. The high proportion of complex carbohydrates saturates for an above-average period of time and stabilizes blood sugar levels. This will actively prevent food cravings in the afternoon. Porridge is also very suitable for weight loss.

Porridge as a Weight Loss Aid?
Due to its antioxidant, satiating, immune-activating nutrients, porridge is an optimal building block for a healthy breakfast or dinner.
Porridge is rich in complex carbohydrates, which the human body digests comparatively slowly. The carbohydrate chains allow the blood sugar level to rise relatively gently. This prevents fluctuations in blood sugar, which demonstrably promote food cravings, encourage uncontrolled eating behavior, and are counterproductive for weight loss.
In addition, oats are important suppliers of fiber. They heat up the human metabolism, accelerate fat burning and serve as basic building blocks for healthy weight loss. Porridge is therefore also suitable for slimming.
What is the Best Way to Enjoy Porridge at Lunch?
The Base: Oatmeal!
As you know, every beginning is difficult – but this does not apply to porridge! Because the basic porridge recipe couldn't be simpler. Oatmeal as a base, and half of it would already be made. Now you can do (almost) nothing wrong on your way to a healthy lunch.
Without Toppings, Porridge Rarely Works
Toppings, toppings, and more toppings. Oatmeal alone is not only often a bit boring; you also do without the complete range of extra vitamins and ingredients that you could gain with the various toppings.
The Best Porridge Recipe Ideas
So that you don't just get hungry now, we also have a few simple recipe ideas for you! From the basic porridge recipe to the hearty lunchtime porridge, there is certainly something for you:

Buddha Bowl with Couscous/Rice/Quinoa
- 30% roasted chickpeas
- 20% arugula
- 20% Verival Protein Oat Couscous, Rice, or Quinoa
- 20% carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes cooked in the oven
- 10% avocado
Prepare the chickpeas according to the package instructions.
Wash, peel, and dice fresh carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. Then brush with oil, season, and cook in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
Roast the chickpeas in a pan with oil until slightly colored.
Pour boiling water over the Verival Protein Oat Couscous, stir, and simmer for five minutes.
Serve all ingredients in turn in your favorite bowl.
Finally, refine with almonds, cress, and your favorite pesto.

Stuffed Peppers with Verival Broccoli Porridge
- 4 pieces of bell pepper
- 190 g Verival Broccoli Porridge
- 125 g mozzarella or vegan alternative
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Wash the bell pepper, cut it in half, and remove the core.
Boil water and mix it with the Verival Broccoli Porridge in a bowl and let it steep for 3 minutes. The consistency should be a little more fluid than usual, as the porridge will still be a little firmer in the oven.
Cut the mozzarella into slices.
Brush the bell pepper halves with olive oil, then fill with the porridge and season to taste with a little salt and pepper.
Distribute the stuffed bell pepper halves in an ovenproof dish and top with the mozzarella slices.
Place in the oven for about 30-35 minutes until the cheese has melted and takes on a golden color. Meal!

Low Calorie Porridge with Zucchini and Oatmeal
- 40 g oatmeal
- 1/2-1 zucchini
- 30 g protein powder (optionally flavored)
- 1 tsp coconut flour
- 300 ml water
- 1 pinch of salt
Grate the zucchini first. It's best to grate them directly into the pot.
Then add the oatmeal and the protein powder.
Next, add the water to the pot and an additional teaspoon of coconut flour. The coconut flour ensures that the porridge is nice and creamy and helps with binding.
Now put your porridge on the stove and cook for about 7 minutes on medium heat. Stir well repeatedly.
If your porridge is already creamy, remove it from the heat and let it steep for another 2-3 minutes. After that, your delicious porridge is ready without a lot of calories.
Of course, you can now refine your porridge with toppings of your choice, such as fresh fruit, nuts, or seeds.
Nutritional Values
Porridge for Dinner
Oatmeal for dinner also replenishes your body's nutrient stores in the evening, which ideally support the body during its repair processes at night.
The consumption of protein-rich foods such as oatmeal, kefir, cow's milk, or plant-based milk encourages the human body to release more of its own growth hormones during sleep.
Such substances have a cell-protective effect and act like your personal gentle "rejuvenation cure." The vitamins and minerals in oatmeal improve the exchange of nutrients and oxygen between individual cells and effectively inhibit inflammatory reactions in muscles, skin, and tissues.
Enjoy All the Benefits of Porridge Even in the Evening
Just don't be shy – the remaining benefits of porridge will still be with you. Porridge is simply an all-rounder and is sure to help you make your day healthier. Whether at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.