Chia seeds (the seeds from the plant "Salvia Hispanica") contain many nutrients and antioxidants that are healthy for our bodies. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, superfoods also contain:
Protein, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins, and plenty of fiber. One of the most important reasons to incorporate chia seeds into your diet is the high content of omega-3 fatty acids .
Chia seeds contain up to 20% omega-3 fatty acids per 100 g . They have significantly fewer calories than, for example, flaxseed. They contain about 10g less fat per 100g than flaxseed, making them more beneficial.
Soaked chia seeds have significantly more protein than cereals. They are rich in calcium. With only 10-15g of soaked chia seeds per day, you already cover a large part of your daily calcium needs.
The black seeds are also rich in iron. With only 10g of chia per day, the body already receives 1 mg of iron, which covers the daily requirement.
In comparison, you would have to eat spinach several times a day. For digestive problems, chia seeds are also a good choice because there is a lot of fiber in the seeds.
If you provide your body with too little fiber, it has a negative effect on your digestion. When taken daily, you prevent a weakening of the intestinal flora, which can prevent many different diseases.
Salvia Hispanica – the little miracles for health
Chia seeds come from the chia plant. It has its origins in Central and South America. There, the plant is called "Salvia Hispanica". It belongs to the sage family, which we have long appreciated for its healthy effects.
You can keep chia seeds for a full five years. They retain both their smell and all nutrients. Already with the Aztecs, the chia plant was used as food.
The seeds consist of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which are one of the main reasons for chia seeds in a healthy diet . The protein-rich chia seeds also serve as an energy source.

Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids in chia seeds
Why are essential amino acids good for the body? The term "essential" means that the human body cannot produce the necessary substances itself.
That's why you need to take them in the form of food. Chia seeds contain many omega-3 fatty acids , and also important omega-6 acids such as linoleic acid.
Chia is also so healthy because the ratio of fatty acids is properly balanced. An unhealthy ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammatory substances to form in the body.
The ratio should be about 5:1; otherwise, the fatty acids can lead to inflammatory processes in the body. Chia naturally regulates this ratio and restores balance.
Important omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds
Chia consists of almost 20% alpha-linoleic acid. The level of this acid increases by more than 50% after the regular intake of chia. Thus, the body converts the alpha-linoleic acid into EPA and DHA acid.
Due to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, the intake of chia helps against inflammation and heart problems, while the concentration is promoted naturally.
What effect do omega-3 fatty acids have?
Essential amino acids help the body prevent inflammation and prevent osteoarthritis pain. They have a positive effect on healthy eyesight, lift the mood, and improve overall well-being.
Omega-3 fatty acids make the body full of energy; memory works flawlessly, and concentration is improved. In addition, a healthy sleep is guaranteed by sufficient omega-3.

Occurrence of omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are not only found in chia. They are found in fish, algae, and other plants. Although the content of omega-3 fatty acids in chia is impressive, you can also take them in the form of various oils.
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in linseed, hemp, and rapeseed oil. However, they are also found in almost all fish species.
Chia seeds are ideal for a vegan diet
If you want to do without animal products and prefer a vegan diet, chia seeds are absolutely right for you. The recommended amount of 15-20g of chia daily covers a large portion of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
However, you should not take more than the recommended amount, as the chia seeds can then lead to side effects.
How much omega-3 fatty acids should I consume daily?
The daily requirement of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 depends on the age and general condition of the body. In a healthy adult person, 1.3-1.5 g of omega-3 per day is sufficient.
A healthy breakfast with chia as a topping and two fish dishes per week are sufficient. If you prefer a vegan diet, porridge for breakfast is a good solution for a healthy diet.
Many porridge fans combine chia with fresh fruit or make chia pudding. Of course, you can also eat chia as a topping for your cereal . The possibilities are endless.
Chia seed pudding with raspberries

- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 pack of vanilla sugar
- 100 ml milk or plant drink
- Fresh raspberries
Pour the chia seeds and vanilla sugar with milk or a plant drink of your choice.
Puree fresh raspberries and mix wholly or partially with the pudding.
Leave to swell in the fridge for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
Garnish as desired with berries and chia seeds or coconut flakes.
Nutritional values
What happens when there is a lack of omega-3 fatty acids?
Omega-3 fatty acids ensure the health of your joints and bones, your eyes, and your cardiovascular system.
A general lack of energy, listlessness, and joint pain can be the result of too little omega-3 and omega-9.
Verival Chia seeds – the best source of omega-3 fatty acids
Chia seeds act on various processes in the body and are therefore a very effective food.
Chia is a solid and very important ingredient so that you can ensure your body has a supply of omega-3 with every meal. Especially with a vegan diet, the lack of proteins and fats is one more reason to opt for chia.