The protein hype does not seem to end and is still at the forefront of all major food trend studies. For us as breakfast makers, this is definitely reason enough to take a closer look at the topic. The result? We followed the trend and launched our own sports range "Organic Athletics" in the spring of 2019 in order to offer you high-quality protein breakfast .
Would you like to learn more about proteins and their role in our diet? To provide you with as comprehensive an insight as possible into the world of proteins, we again contacted the certified nutrition trainer and TCM nutritionist Patricia Görgl and asked her to explain what proteins actually are, what we need them for, and from which foods they should ideally be obtained from a nutritional point of view.
What exactly are proteins?
Proteins, also known as protein, are amino acids. These are vital building blocks for the body. Proteins play a very important role; for example, one of their tasks is to take care of the cell structure of hair, skin, and nails.
In addition, proteins are required for the following processes:
- to maintain our immune system
- in the buildup of enzymes and hormones
- for the transport of oxygen and fat
- to build antibodies and clotting factors
Which foods contain proteins?
In principle, a distinction must be made between plant and animal protein:
Vegetable proteins
- Legumes such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils
- Cereals or pseudocereals such as quinoa, oats, or millet
- Nuts and seeds
- Lupin, soy, seitan
- Fruits and vegetables
Animal proteins
- Meat
- Eggs
- Dairy products
How well these proteins can be absorbed is measured with the so-called biological quality. Here, the amino acid composition of the respective food is used to determine how well the protein can be utilized. The higher the value, the better the absorption or utilization.
The highest biological value is a chicken egg, with the number 100. However, this is a reference value that has been determined arbitrarily and therefore does not automatically mean that the protein of the chicken egg can be converted 100% into body protein. [1]
Proteins and their biological value (mixed diet)
100 – Chicken
egg 98 – Potatoes
92 – Tuna
88 – Milk
86 – Soy Protein
85 – Pork
85 – Cheese (Edam)
80 – Poultry
72 – Corn
67 – Rye
66 – Rice
64 – Whole Grain
Rice 64 – Oatmeal
63 – White Beans
50 – Hazelnut
40-50 – Lentils
47 – Wheat flour
36 – Carrots
3 – Green peas
On average, a healthy person needs about 1g of protein per kg of body weight. Hobby athletes and also strength or competitive athletes need a little more, but this must be determined individually.
Which protein is healthy?
It should also be mentioned here that according to the DGE (German Society for Nutrition) and ÖGE (Austrian Society for Nutrition), animal products top the list in terms of their biological value. However, Patricia would recommend covering the protein requirement with vegetable proteins as best as possible – for the following reasons:
Vegetable proteins also provide us with additional micronutrients (vitamins, trace elements). Especially in the case of animal products, the value depends on the quality of the products. Residues of antibiotics or other drugs are often found in animal products from factory farming. In addition, the housing conditions for factory-farmed animals are disastrous. All these circumstances are of course reflected in the quality of the products.
Patricia therefore generally recommends purchasing products from organic agriculture and, in the best case, also regionally, in order to save overly long transport routes.
Eat a balanced diet
If you eat a balanced diet and obtain two-thirds of your protein intake from plant-based foods, for example, you're already on the right track. For proteins from animal sources, the vegetarian variant (dairy products or eggs) is preferable to protein from meat.
A long-term study by Harvard Medical School came to the following conclusion:
"(...) If the proportion of animal protein increases by 10 percent relative to the total calorie intake, the risk of death generally increases by 2 percent; the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease increases even by 8 percent."
In contrast, the risk of death decreases by 10 percent if there is 3 percent more plant protein in the diet. The figures are even clearer if some of the animal proteins ingested are replaced by plant proteins. It was particularly worthwhile to change the diet from processed beef and pork (for example, sausages) and eggs to vegetable proteins (...)" [2]
Especially with animal protein, too much is consumed in the usual diet (omnivore). A reduction is certainly sensible here and has a positive effect on fat metabolism, liver health, and our health in general in the long term .
Patricia will give you the following nutrition tips:
- Avoid "extremes" (e.g., low carb, high carb,... etc.) in the diet as much as possible.
- Make sure that you consume enough of all macronutrients and micronutrients, appropriately tailored to your needs. An extended blood test can provide information on what you need and where any deficiencies exist.
About Patricia Görgl
Patricia has accompanied the topic of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle throughout her life. The topic of mindfulness has given her a new perspective on her work, which she incorporates into her practice and her books.
She sees herself as an impulse generator to support people on their journey (back) to a positive body image.
[1] Vegan diet: Optimal protein supply by combination (
[2] Study: Plant proteins healthier than animal proteins ( )