Warm breakfasts are a tradition in many cultures. From Ayurvedic teachings to traditional Chinese medicine, a warm meal is a cornerstone of these cultures. And rightly so. Because warm breakfasts, such as porridge, bring a whole range of health benefits for you and your body. In this article, we will take a closer look at exactly what these are.
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Breakfast porridge
Having a hot breakfast may sound a bit strange to some people. But if you're used to only eating hot food at lunchtime, you're missing out. Not only does a hot breakfast taste good, it's also easier on the stomach. We will look at what else it does for the body and the benefits of eating a hot meal in the morning in more detail later.
But for those who rarely eat a warm breakfast, what does a warm meal in the morning actually look like? If you're thinking of warm milk with cornflakes, you're getting closer to the idea – but in fact there are numerous recipe ideas that are not only quick but also taste particularly good.
Porridge, for example, is an excellent warm breakfast. Traditionally, porridge is prepared with hot water or milk. It doesn't matter whether you use hot water to steep the oats when preparing the porridge, or whether you boil the delicious mixture with milk – the result is the same. A tasty and easily digestible start to the day.
Warm breakfast in TCM
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), breakfast is often referred to as the centerpiece of nutrition. This is because, according to TCM, the stomach is most active between 7 and 9 o'clock in the morning. Therefore, it makes sense to offer the body the first meal at this time.
However, just as important as the when in TCM is the what. This is exactly where a warm breakfast comes in. Because if you warm up your food in the morning, for example when preparing a porridge, you are doing your stomach a great favor. Because with a warm breakfast according to TCM, your body no longer has to warm up the food, but instead gets the food directly as it needs it.
6 good reasons for a warm breakfast
But it's not just in traditional Chinese medicine that a warm breakfast is popular – athletes also swear by it. We will now look at the benefits of a warm breakfast for athletes and why it could do you good too. We have come up with six reasons why a warm breakfast should be part of your daily diet.
1. Activates the metabolism
If you look at the functions of a warm breakfast from a TCM perspective, you should always pay attention to the so-called internal organ clock. According to this, the stomach is most active between 7 and 9 a.m. Eating breakfast during this period is therefore extremely beneficial.
After the stomach has done its part in the digestive process, it is the spleen's turn according to TCM. It converts food into energy (Qi). If you pay attention to the TCM organ clock when eating, you can specifically activate your metabolism and benefit from increased well-being and sufficient energy.
2. Improves nutrient absorption
Certain nutrients are difficult for the body to absorb when raw. It is particularly advisable to warm up plant-based foods briefly. This is because humans cannot break down the cellulose present in the cell walls of plants.
However, heating the food breaks these down early on, making it easier to absorb the nutrients they contain, such as vitamins.
3. Provides long-lasting energy
Because your body no longer has to warm up your hot breakfast, it saves some energy. In addition, a warm organic porridge provides long-lasting energy.
The complex carbohydrates and fiber in oats help to better regulate absorption into the bloodstream, releasing energy gradually. This way, you have enough energy for a long time and don't have to worry about fatigue.
4. Optimizes your blood sugar level
When you enjoy your breakfast warm, for example porridge, the fiber in the oats swells up and can thus develop its full effect. This means that they slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and thus ensure stable blood sugar levels. This not only helps to prevent diabetes and obesity, but also cravings.
5. Easily digestible
When you heat up your first meal of the day, your body doesn't have to bring the food up to operating temperature. This means it can be processed more quickly and takes up less space in your stomach. This ensures that you feel well-sated, but not overfilled or bloated.
6. A warm breakfast strengthens your immune system
Your body's immune system relies on a functioning gastrointestinal system. If this is not working properly, fewer nutrients are absorbed and you are more susceptible to infections. On the other hand, if the food is easy to digest and the nutrients can be optimally absorbed, a warm breakfast can strengthen your immune system.
Get your organic porridge from Tyrol here
To get the most out of the health benefits of a warm breakfast, you should make a habit of eating a warm meal. This way, you will quickly have delicious recipes at hand and ensure a long-term healthy gastrointestinal tract. This in turn provides long-lasting energy and a strong immune system.