Whether savory or sweet, cold or warm, for most people, breakfast is the most important meal of the day to get the day off to a good start. But it also depends on how you design your food and whether your breakfast is healthy .
Not every breakfast gives your body the right kick. In order not to want to fall right back into your bed after eating, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
Why is eating breakfast right healthy?
There are many passionate breakfasters, but there are also people who would rather leave out this meal. Still, the first meal after getting up can be very healthy.
Eating the right food boosts your metabolism and stabilizes your blood sugar levels. The body gathers new energy for the day, and the brain boots up again. The morning feeling of inertia can only be effectively dispelled if you supply your body with the right nutrients.
If you want to eat a healthy breakfast, the right diet will also avoid supposed food cravings, and you can start the day focused and strengthened.
What does a healthy and proper breakfast look like?

When it comes to nutrition, there is often talk of a balanced, healthy breakfast. But what exactly makes a breakfast healthy? What ingredients are the effective energy suppliers that make you fit? A white bread with a chocolate spread is delicious but unfortunately not so healthy. The sweet combination does not provide a rich supply of nutrients that would give your body a lasting boost.
Diversity is the important keyword. Foods that combine several minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fiber are particularly suitable as a start to the day. Oatmeal , low-fat quark, eggs, nuts , flaxseeds, chia seeds , various seeds, bananas and berries are real power meals, especially when combined with each other. They can be varied perfectly.
Porridge as a healthy overall package
Porridge is as simple as it is effective. The oatmeal softens in the heated liquid and forms a homogeneous mass that can then be consumed warm.
The warm porridge saves your body energy expenditure because it does not have to adjust the porridge to your body temperature. In addition, the plain oats are surprisingly rich. It combines proteins, fiber, and vitamins, which provide energy and optimally balance blood sugar levels.
Oatmeal also promotes healthy skin and helps with better digestion. If the simple oatmeal seems too drab, you can combine it with fresh fruit, nuts, and nutmeg. Because even if the mushy consistency of this miracle meal takes some getting used to, there are delicious recipes that can conjure up a culinary delicacy.
There are also ready-made porridge variants that you can adapt to your needs. Verival offers a selection of Sport Porridge options to make it easier for you to have a healthy breakfast. Add a few toppings to complete your delicious and healthy breakfast.
Overnight oats – fast yet healthy
A pleasant morning time saver for all morning bums who "just don't have time" for a balanced breakfast. If porridge, i.e. even heating the oatmeal on the stove, is too much time and effort, there is a helpful alternative on offer here.
The " Overnight Oats " are wonderfully suited as a meal prep. Quickly prepared in the evening and then left to steep overnight, the oat breakfast is quickly ready to hand. Fortunately, the valuable nutrients of oats are not lost. Here, too, nuts, seeds, and fruit are great for refining.
Lose weight with the right breakfast
If you want to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle, proper, balanced nutrition is known to play a major role. With a carefully chosen breakfast, it is much easier to maintain this attitude.
In combination with morning exercise, a healthy breakfast is also suitable for weight loss. Then it is advisable to tick off the training before eating.
The glucose level is still low after getting up, and you can use it ideally. This will boost fat burning faster. According to one study, you even burn up to 20% more fat than after eating.
In order to prevent hypoglycemia, however, the sport should not be too intense. Otherwise, it is advisable to take a small healthy snack or a fruity, isotonic drink beforehand.
Above all, a healthy breakfast afterwards should make you full in the long term. Just right are around 370 calories. This way, the energy level is full again, and you feel strengthened.
The perfect breakfast should therefore contain carbohydrates, protein, and fruit or vegetables. A porridge topped with a splash of curd, nutmeg, chia seeds, flaxseeds, raspberries, and bananas is an example of how you can get the nutrients practically and tasty, reliably.

If you want to build and strengthen muscles, pay particular attention to a high-protein breakfast when eating a healthy breakfast. Oatmeal is a true all-rounder and great for athletes.
Proper weight loss does not have to be complicated. Overall, however, you should never force yourself to eat.
Your body usually sends you the right signals. If you force yourself to eat breakfast, you will not achieve effective and sustainable results even with a healthy meal.
Not sure how many calories you really need per day? With our calorie calculator , you can calculate your calorie requirements and better control your calorie balance.
Do you already know your BMI value?
It does not matter whether you want to lose weight, just want to do something for your health, or are currently engaged in muscle-building training. The Body Mass Index is often the first measurement that shows you whether you have your body weight under control.
Here you can calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) in a few seconds and find out the background to this value.