Ernährung Blog


Would you like to learn everything about healthy eating? Healthy eating is particularly one thing: diverse and varied! We will show you which foods should not be missing from a balanced diet and how you can best integrate them.



Breakfast Ideas for the Cold Season

In this post, we'll explore the benefits of a hot breakfast during the colder months of the year. You will also discover four recipe ideas that are particularly suitable for...

Katharina Hann

Breakfast Ideas for the Cold Season

In this post, we'll explore the benefits of a hot breakfast during the colder months of the year. You will also discover four recipe ideas that are particularly suitable for...

Katharina Hann
Hafer ist lokales Superfood

Oatmeal – Do you already know these 5 benefits ...

Oats are the local superfood. In addition to their many health benefits, oats are also simply delicious. But why not skip oats at breakfast, and what are the real benefits...

Dominik Wendl

Oatmeal – Do you already know these 5 benefits ...

Oats are the local superfood. In addition to their many health benefits, oats are also simply delicious. But why not skip oats at breakfast, and what are the real benefits...

Dominik Wendl
Das musst du über verarbeitete Lebensmittel wissen

What You Need to Know About Processed Foods

Processed foods exist as far as the eye can see. Most supermarket shelves are full of them – but it's common knowledge that processed foods aren't necessarily healthy. You can...

Nicolas Dworak

What You Need to Know About Processed Foods

Processed foods exist as far as the eye can see. Most supermarket shelves are full of them – but it's common knowledge that processed foods aren't necessarily healthy. You can...

Nicolas Dworak
Zimt - Alles über das Gewürz, dessen Herstellung und die gesundheitlichen Vorteile

Cinnamon – All About the Spice, Its Production,...

The smell of fresh cinnamon evokes Christmas feelings for many people. Cinnamon is suitable all year round, for example at breakfast in porridge. In this article you will find out...

Nicolas Dworak

Cinnamon – All About the Spice, Its Production,...

The smell of fresh cinnamon evokes Christmas feelings for many people. Cinnamon is suitable all year round, for example at breakfast in porridge. In this article you will find out...

Nicolas Dworak
Immer mehr Menschen verzichten auf Gluten

Low-Gluten Diet – The New Trend?

Gluten-free foods are in demand like never before. Even people who have no issues with gluten digestion are increasingly practicing "gluten avoidance," meaning they avoid gluten. In this post, you...

Katharina Hann

Low-Gluten Diet – The New Trend?

Gluten-free foods are in demand like never before. Even people who have no issues with gluten digestion are increasingly practicing "gluten avoidance," meaning they avoid gluten. In this post, you...

Katharina Hann
Slow Carbs - Alles, was du darüber wissen musst

Slow Carbs: Everything You Need to Know

Slow carbs are considered extremely healthy due to their chemical composition. This composition helps maintain uniform blood sugar levels, which is intended to ensure lasting satiety, protect against cravings, and...

Nicolas Dworak

Slow Carbs: Everything You Need to Know

Slow carbs are considered extremely healthy due to their chemical composition. This composition helps maintain uniform blood sugar levels, which is intended to ensure lasting satiety, protect against cravings, and...

Nicolas Dworak
Gesunde Fette

Healthy Fats – Everything You Need to Know Abou...

Healthy fats as an important part of our diet? Unthinkable for many, because fat has fallen into disrepute over the years due to fitness cults and diet concepts. Find out...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Healthy Fats – Everything You Need to Know Abou...

Healthy fats as an important part of our diet? Unthinkable for many, because fat has fallen into disrepute over the years due to fitness cults and diet concepts. Find out...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Mandeln helfen beim Muskelaufbau

That's Why Almonds Help Build Muscle

Almonds are the frontrunners when it comes to plant-based and vegan protein sources. Packed with numerous proteins and amino acids, they can fulfill almost half of your daily needs with...

Dominik Wendl

That's Why Almonds Help Build Muscle

Almonds are the frontrunners when it comes to plant-based and vegan protein sources. Packed with numerous proteins and amino acids, they can fulfill almost half of your daily needs with...

Dominik Wendl
Mandeln als Proteinquelle

Almonds and Almond Butter: An Ideal Source of P...

Whether as a delicious topping or a practical snack, almonds are very popular among health-conscious individuals because they are considered an ideal source of protein. Here, you can find out...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Almonds and Almond Butter: An Ideal Source of P...

Whether as a delicious topping or a practical snack, almonds are very popular among health-conscious individuals because they are considered an ideal source of protein. Here, you can find out...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Das sind die wichtigsten Nährstoffe für SportlerInnen

These are the most important nutrients for athl...

If you want to be physically fit, you should pay attention to a healthy diet in addition to a suitable training plan. You should take into account the increased need...

Nicolas Dworak

These are the most important nutrients for athl...

If you want to be physically fit, you should pay attention to a healthy diet in addition to a suitable training plan. You should take into account the increased need...

Nicolas Dworak
Slow Carbs Ernaehrung

What are slow carbs and how does the slow carb ...

Have you ever heard of “low carb” or “slow carbs”? These terms refer to certain diets that have recently gained popularity. In this post, we'll take a look at the...

Katharina Hann

What are slow carbs and how does the slow carb ...

Have you ever heard of “low carb” or “slow carbs”? These terms refer to certain diets that have recently gained popularity. In this post, we'll take a look at the...

Katharina Hann
Hafer als heimisches Superfood

How to Have a Healthy Breakfast with Oats

Oats are the superfood par excellence. Especially, the many fatty acids and complex carbohydrates make oats an excellent choice. In this blog post, we will tell you how to best...

Dominik Wendl

How to Have a Healthy Breakfast with Oats

Oats are the superfood par excellence. Especially, the many fatty acids and complex carbohydrates make oats an excellent choice. In this blog post, we will tell you how to best...

Dominik Wendl
Was sind Hülsenfrüchte und warum sind sie so gesund?

What Are Legumes and Why Are They So Healthy?

Pulses are true all-rounders. Not only do they contain countless healthy nutrients, but they can also be used in a variety of ways. They are therefore particularly popular with vegetarians...

Nicolas Dworak

What Are Legumes and Why Are They So Healthy?

Pulses are true all-rounders. Not only do they contain countless healthy nutrients, but they can also be used in a variety of ways. They are therefore particularly popular with vegetarians...

Nicolas Dworak
Was sind Overnight Oats?

How to Spice Up Your Breakfast with Almond Butter

The small nutritional wonders of almonds are perfect for your healthy breakfast. How about a delicious nut sauce, for example? In this post, we'll tell you how you can use...

Katharina Hann

How to Spice Up Your Breakfast with Almond Butter

The small nutritional wonders of almonds are perfect for your healthy breakfast. How about a delicious nut sauce, for example? In this post, we'll tell you how you can use...

Katharina Hann
Langanhaltende Energie für SportlerInnen

Which Breakfast Is Ideal for Long-Lasting Energ...

A healthy breakfast can have a positive impact on the rest of the day, especially for athletes who consume a lot of energy. That's why it's important for your breakfast...

Nicolas Dworak

Which Breakfast Is Ideal for Long-Lasting Energ...

A healthy breakfast can have a positive impact on the rest of the day, especially for athletes who consume a lot of energy. That's why it's important for your breakfast...

Nicolas Dworak
Warmes Frühstück Sport

These Are the Benefits of Hot Breakfast for Ath...

You should not miss a hot breakfast, even in summer! We know that sounds contradictory at first glance. However, there are some advantages that you won't want to miss. Find...

Katharina Hann

These Are the Benefits of Hot Breakfast for Ath...

You should not miss a hot breakfast, even in summer! We know that sounds contradictory at first glance. However, there are some advantages that you won't want to miss. Find...

Katharina Hann
Kakaobohnen bilden den Ausgangsstoff für viele Produkte

Cocoa vs. Chocolate – Why Cocoa Is So Healthy

Cocoa contains a large number of valuable minerals and proteins. In this post, we compare whether this also applies to chocolate and how you can incorporate the two products into...

Katharina Hann

Cocoa vs. Chocolate – Why Cocoa Is So Healthy

Cocoa contains a large number of valuable minerals and proteins. In this post, we compare whether this also applies to chocolate and how you can incorporate the two products into...

Katharina Hann
Diese Lebensmittel enthalten besonders viel des Mineralstoffs Magnesium

Magnesium – The Versatile Mineral

Magnesium performs a variety of tasks in the body. Thus, the mineral supports, among other things, the brain and the skeletal muscles. In this article, you will learn the most...

Katharina Hann

Magnesium – The Versatile Mineral

Magnesium performs a variety of tasks in the body. Thus, the mineral supports, among other things, the brain and the skeletal muscles. In this article, you will learn the most...

Katharina Hann