For many people, fitness is an important part of their lives. However, the healthy diet for athletes is often ignored, which only leads to gradual success.
The right food before exercise and an adapted diet are the basic building blocks for successful training. Here, the avoidance of alcohol, sweets and fast food, but also the necessary consumption of carbohydrates and protein must be taken into account.
In the following article, you will learn what you should not eat and drink as an athlete. We will also show you tips and tricks on how to increase your performance through nutrition.
Because a balanced diet is essential for athletes and non-athletes to keep your body healthy and functional for a long time.
What should you not eat as an athlete?
As an athlete, you have to pay attention to a lot of things. This includes not least your diet, which is a large part of your performance.
If your energy reserves built up through food are depleted, then you will also show less performance during fitness training. But even unhealthy food can inhibit your performance potential.
Chocolate, fast food, and fatty foods are among the no-gos for athletes. But even for non-athletes, these things should not be consumed too much.
Tip: In addition to unhealthy food, you should not eat too many fats and carbohydrates before exercising. Here, an unpleasant abdominal distension could be noticeable, and you will quickly feel weak.
How long should you stop eating before sporting activities?
Eating before exercise is a hotly debated topic. The rule of thumb here is that you do not eat too much 2 to 3 hours before exercise.
During this time, light meals are recommended, such as a banana or a low-fat quark with fruit. Approximately 8 hours before the training session, you should at best opt for a meal that gives you a lot of energy.
These include wholemeal pasta with lean chicken or fish, oatmeal , dates, and also nuts ( cashew nuts , hazelnuts,...). For example, you could conjure up a delicious porridge with fruit, berries ( cranberries , raspberries , ...) and nuts and then ideally eat it during your training session.

What should you not drink as an athlete?
Sugary drinks are obviously not the best choice for athletes. Basically, everyone should drink enough water every day. For physically active people, the average drinking amount is approx.
2.6 liters per day. Water and unsweetened tea are ideal for replenishing the fluid balance. Already 500 milliliters are lost daily through the breath and skin, without us noticing this and without obvious sweating.
In order for all processes in the body to take place ideally, you need to drink enough water every day. Alcohol should only be consumed in moderation. It dries out your body and damages your mechanism.
Tip: Drink a cup of coffee occasionally before your workout and benefit from this energy boost.
Why should an athlete avoid these foods?
A very clear reason is the drop in performance. Fat makes you sluggish and tired. In addition, high-fiber foods can promote an abdominal distension that is anything but pleasant when exercising.
In addition, you risk heartburn, nausea, and side-stabbing, which in the worst case even means that you have to stop your training. Prevent these unpleasant consequences easily by avoiding fat and unhealthy foods.
A healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables promotes your physical activity and takes you to exactly where you want to be in terms of performance.
What can an athlete eat?
You are probably wondering what an athlete is allowed to eat if he has to do without almost everything that is fun. However, athletes also have the opportunity to eat a tasty, but above all healthy diet.
Wholemeal pasta with chicken, porridge with fruit and chia seeds , delicious salads, cottage cheese with fruit, oatmeal with nuts, and many other dishes are on the daily menus of athletes.
Non-athletes should also be guided by these guidelines in order to benefit from a healthy body.
Tip: You do not have to strictly and invariably adhere to a healthy diet, as you will quickly lose the desire to exercise. Treat yourself to some fast food or a piece of chocolate once in a while.
A balanced and healthy diet is important to ensure that your body functions optimally and not to risk malnutrition. This way, your body recovers faster, especially after a workout.
Healthy breakfast from VERIVAL for athletes
After fitness and also for a healthy breakfast , the body needs carbohydrates and protein. For this reason, you should eat something within 30 minutes of your workout.
The first proper meal should be after about 2 hours so that the body receives all the necessary building blocks for efficient muscle regeneration and muscle mass is not broken down unnecessarily.
In addition, healthy eating does not always have to be time-consuming. VERIVAL's products support this thesis. They are ideal for any diet, whether you are vegan or sugar-free. We have also provided a gluten-free breakfast – so nothing stands in the way of your healthy breakfast!

The generous range offers the perfect products for every preference. As a food manufacturer, we at VERIVAL see ourselves as responsible for contributing to a healthy and balanced diet.
We focus above all on a balanced, warm breakfast consisting of complex carbohydrates, little sugar, plenty of fiber, sufficient proteins and essential amino acids, healthy fats, and valuable vitamins and minerals.
This way, the body receives exactly the ingredients it needs every day to achieve optimal performance, whether during a sweaty training session or in normal everyday life.